Now the easy part, choosing the right TV/Display. The following considerations will help guide you through the many options as you search for the right Display:

a. Size: 50 inch display is the lowest recommended for a Tailgate but Bigger is Better if you can manage getting it safely to the big game of course.
b. Price Point: Pricing on Displays is down meaning you can get far more for your money. For example, I recently found a 55” Smart Display/TV on sale at Costco for $270.
c. Mounting the TV/Display: It is critical to make sure you have your TV firmly mounted. Choose a mounting option that can handle an accidental bump from a hyped-up fan or an unexpected gust of wind. I have personally had a TV blown off a table due to windy conditions at my Tailgate and it can be a game stopper in more ways than one.
d. Where to find the perfect Display/TV: Big Box stores like your local Warehouse Club are the best way to find the perfect Display for your Tailgate at an amazing price point. Also you can benefit from the no questions warranty’s most offer should you have an issue.